Three To Six

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The House on the Rock

Jesus said, “So then anyone who hears these words of mine and obeys them is like wise man who builds his house on rock. “

I use this a fill in lesson over one or two weeks, usually one, it can be used when you are not teaching a major topic through the term. I use the story from Stories Jesus Told by Nick Butterworth and Mick Inkpen. I adore this book and it was given to us by a good friend for my seconds sons Christening, it has the most beautiful illustrations and gentle teaching.

If you haven’t got the book, here is the story from it;

Here is a man. He is looking for a place to build a house. H climbs to the top of a big grey rock. Ah! Here is a good place. The man begins to build his house. It is hard work. He puffs and and pants.

He puffs and pants and grunts and groans all day, until the work is done. “Just in time” he says, “it looks like rain.”

The rain pours down. The lightening flashes. The thunder booms. The water washes round the house and splashes at the rock. The rock stays firm. the man was wise to choose the rock.

Here is another man. He wants a house. “I want it now, I want it quick, This place will do”, he says. He builds his house down on the sand. “This won’t take long,” he says, and whistles as he works. His house is done, He goes inside and shuts the door. A raindrop drips onto his nose. Oh dear!

The rain pours down. The lightening flashes. The thunder booms. The water rushes through the house and splashes at his knees! The sand is washed away. His house falls flat. The sill man was wrong to build on the sand.

Jesus says, “I am like the wise man’s rock, if you trust me, I will never let you down.”

The illustrations in this brilliant book brings alive this story for the children. The questions you can ask are, Where would you build your house? Which was stronger the rock or the sand? Wouldn’t you like a house on the sand, with the beach and sea near by? Wouldn’t that be lovely? - they will shout back at you how silly you are as the sand will get washed away.

The lesson is that we can trust Jesus, he is as strong as a Rock, He is our Rock .