Teaspoon Prayer Craft
Although I use this type of prayer every single Sunday, I also use this as a one off teaching lesson; maybe when I am filling in during the term and terms subject has come to an end. Its a good lesson to have when you have an influx of new ones, or maybe when you are new so they all get the hang of how you pray.
See our resource under Lessons and Teaching to see how to run the teaching for this.
For the Craft
You will need to buy enough teaspoons (I usually buy supermarket ones to cover the number in the class) and also to have some spare.
This is a simple craft but it is a craft where they get to take something home and talk about it and use it, which is faith at home (we have a resource on this site about faith at home).
Each child will end up with a teaspoon with a ribbon tied around it and then two pieces of card with a punched holes in so they can be tied to the ribbon.
One piece of card will say
T = Thank you God
S = Sorry God
P = Please God
I usually print these out and then have an image on the back so that the children can colour it in, remember these pieces of card are on small, just large enough to get this tiny message on.
One side of the card reads
T = Thank you God
S – Sorry God
P = Please God
The other side could be the image of hands praying that the children could colour in
The second piece of card would say
Dear God
I am Thankful for
I am Sorry for
I Please ask
On the reverse again print out pictures of child praying that they can cut out and stick on.
The result a teaspoon with a lovely ribbon and two pieces of card attached to the ribbon with reminders for them and mostly for the parents to help them pray at home.
Here are some examples that you could print out onto card, punch a hole at the corner and then tie to the ribbon that makes a bow around the handle of the spoon.