Lessons for Littlies right through to pre teens. Explained & ready to go.
If you are anything like me you will start your Christmas teaching in November because one month is just not long enough to teach this wonderful biblical story.
The craft for this week is angels, angels, angels, you can find many crafts on line with regard to this. See our crafts section for those that I have chosen.
Jesus said, “So then anyone who hears these words of mine and obeys them is like wise man who builds his house on rock. “
Everyone followed Jesus, Good friends tell their friends about Jesus, Jesus can heal.
Teaching the Lord’s prayer to children should be a fun and repetitive lesson within your group. It will be a lesson that sets them up for life.

More Lessons available -
The Holy Week - Easter
The Birth of Christ
The Lord’s Prayer
The Beatitudes
Holy Communion
The Ten Commandments
John the Baptist and Baptism
Teaching the Holy Spirit to Children
The Armour of God
Teaching Salvation
The Miracles of Jesus
The Bride of Christ
If you would like further curriculum help, please do contact us.
We have a curriculum ready to go with lesson plans, craft activities, and term-long plans to cement the learning of these biblical truths for ages.
We cater for ages 1-2, 3-6, 7-9 and 10-12.
We are here to help, and we recognise that every church is different. We aim to meet your individual needs, you may have one and half hour lessons, you may only have a short, sharp twenty minutes - whatever you have, let’s get the Word of God across to your Children’s Church so you can lay the foundations of their faith.