Music & Songs
I use music throughout my sessions with the children, and only cease to play the music whilst we are praying, eating and doing mat time.
The songs are repetitive (of course) and eventually they learn them. For each performance and time on stage (See little children in big church and Stage Time resource) there is a tried and tested song for you to use.
Three to Six years old is a little early to expect the children to learn the words of songs, and experience shows me that children rarely sing out loud to songs in this learning environment. You may find them very vocal in the back of the car to “the wheels on the bus” however on stage and in the classroom, they are usually mute! (It always amazes me – however it is the truth, please don’t have high expectations of them that they will not reach).
Here I would like to share with you the brilliant music from the talented artists that I have used and continue to use because the are so very good.
Tidy up Time – Kids Music Company – Echo Fred
THIS is by far the greatest song in the History of Time for Children – I use it every week and it alerts the children to the changing of the guard – ie. We are no longer playing; we are tidying up – it is pure brilliance. I am so grateful for this song! I play a game with the children where I say that all the toys must be in the correct boxes and sorted by the end of the song! Always up for a challenge and a race this speeds this part up, of course with lots of help from the adult helpers.
Alligator Goodbye – Hillsong Kids Jr – Crazy Noise
Often there is a short time in-between finishing the craft and Goodbye Time, this song is just great for that. In fact, its so good that I always try and find time for it as the children love it. I have seen shy children change in only a week when this song comes on as they dance around and make a snap motion with their arms.
Creation Sensation – Days of Creation – Jay Mackenzie. Happy Mouse - Creation Lesson Plan
This is the song used for the performance of Creation on stage - see Small children in Big Church - Stage Time for how it runs.
Nothing’s Too Big - Doug Horley - The Lords’ Prayer Lesson Plan
This is one of my favourites that I have taught in New Zealand in Bible in Schools, the children really embrace the actions. I use this song throughout the teaching of the Lord’s Prayer so that at the end of the term the children can perform it. See Small children in Big Church - Stage Teim for how it runs.
Out of the Ark
I can only enthuse about this company. A lovely British Company who could not be more helpful. Their website is easy and once you have paid, you get the music instantly. I use this music and have bought the licenses to be able to play it, its is a great company with brilliant songs that the Children love. I use these songs at Christmas. Just download them and work out some easy hand movement and watch this age group light up as they quickly learn what comes next. Every Christmas I replay the songs it reminds me how clever this company is. They use great words and music to create something that is just where the children are at.
I use these songs for Christmas performances – see Small children in Big Church for more information of how you can use them.