Why three to six?


“But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have”. 1 Peter 3.15

Often when I take a group for a training course on how to run a successful Sunday morning in Children’s Church someone will comment on my website. Usually this is in a positive way, but often I am asked, “Why the name three to six”.

I used to answer that this was the first age group of Children I taught. I now answer with this…

Children aged 3-6 have hearts like sponges, they cannot wait for you to pour the love of God like water into them, they will soak it up and absorb it willingly. This plants the foundations of a Jesus that loves them and at this early age it will start a journey of faith that can last a life time.

I write curriculum and produce craft and stage ideas for children aged 2 years to 12 years old. By contacting us through this website, we can provide you with lessons for little ones, lessons for the ones that have lots of questions, and lessons for the pre teens that are making their own decisions on their faith.

From sticky take home craft to games for older ones. Sunday School classes should be driving home the message of the Bible and repetitive enough during a term that the children can really grasp the teaching.

Our aim is happy teachers/volunteers and happy children. I have worked with churches and schools in England, New Zealand and Australia. Three to six provides curriculum to over three continents, churches where children sit on the dirt to American and Australian churches where the children have the luxury of chairs. The message is the same, we will make the bible exciting, interesting and easy for them to understand. Through understanding this Holy book and bringing it alive for the children they will grasp a faith and a relationship with Jesus at a much younger age.


So why three to six? Because this is the age where we start to bring the children on a journey of loving Jesus. Age three to six is the easy part, it may be a little crowd control, but these guys accept the teaching and the love that we can express to them. Age seven to nine is all about questions and discovery. At age ten to twelve, we teach the children that just because their parents are Christians doesn’t automatically make them a Christian. If you sleep in the garage, does this make you a car? This is the age they step out and claim their faith for themselves, choosing Jesus and becoming one of His.