Alligator Snap Time
What I want to say about this Time is do try and make it happen, what it does is it shows the children that you are nearing the end of the morning and home time is just a few moments away. This is important to the shy child, or the visiting child, they have probably done so very well lasting out the hour and half, keeping the children moving on to the next stage of the morning is very important. Sometimes you will look out and see some children finally relax at this time as they know the comfort of their parents is very near.
I found my voice at Kindergarten
Children of this age rarely sing out loud, it just doesn’t happen, I am sure if you are a music teacher and have the skills to teach them parrot fashion then you will disagree. However, I find that they don’t really open their mouths to sing or shout until they are 5 or nearer to 6. I would often find little ones completely mute with me and then suddenly they would become Mr or Miss Chatty. I remember once saying to a lovely little boy, “my gosh where did your voice come from”, he replied with “I found it at Kindergarten”; so precious and it’s so true.
Where have all the children gone?
Therefore trying to create a worship atmosphere is sometimes difficult, many churches work their schedules very differently, some, which I favour keep their little ones in for worship. This is so great for the children and the helpers on so many levels. However some churches scurry their children away as soon as they walk in the door. In one church I have even seen a separate entrance for families dropping off their children, I don’t like this, it honestly looks like the child catcher from Chitty Chitty Bang Bang has been around collecting all the children up.
Children should be seen and heard and be soaking up what is going on in big church, it imprints on them and sets them up for the future, and for your churches’ future.
Time to jump and dance and snap
So, the Alligator Snap Time and song, gives you a chance to freely dance around the room and snap away with your arms with the children, it may be the closest you get to worship with them. The words are beautiful as the song say “Don’t forget that God loves you and don’t forget that we love you too”, a great message.
The song can be found in our music and songs section.