Three To Six

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Creation Lesson/Term Stage Performance

This is a great little performance one of my absolute favourites. The piece is introduced to Big Church as a demonstration of how your class has been learning about Creation.  They perform a song, (find the song for Creation in Songs and Music).

If you see in our craft resource you will have followed the following:

The end goal for this craft is 14 large poster size pieces of card with lots of colourful pictures stuck on them. There will be a poster size card for each of these subjects:

1.       Night

2.       Day

3.       Earth

4.       Sky

5.       Fruits

6.       Trees

7.       Flowers

8.       Sun

9.       Moon

10.   Stars

11.   Water Creatures

12.   Birds

13.   Land Creatures

14.   Men

On the stage you prepare 14 chairs for the children, 14 of your children (or borrowed Children from another class if your numbers don’t work out) sit on the chairs.

Make sure you have the onto it or elder children on the first and second chair.  Now after lots of practise and laughs with your helpers you have an adult helper go behind the children and tap on their heads when their part of the creation is mentioned and they stand up showing off the poster size card that you have created in your Craft Time that term.

The song will start with on the first day of Creation there was Night and Day so up jumps chair one and two, then they sit down again, the song goes on on the second day of Creation there was Earth and Sky, Night and Day so up jumps chair three and four and then chair two and then one! ….. and so it goes on.

It is fun, you have to have a good helper at the back tapping the heads who knows the song and you at the front on the audience level getting the children to sit back down again motioning with your hands.

What you get

Chaos but funny chaos, sometimes it goes to plan and sometimes the wrong children are up and down like jack in the boxes but the audience gets the idea and it is beyond cute. Try it !