Three To Six

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The Lords Prayer Lesson/Stage Time

Using Doug Horleys Nothing’s Too Big, I use the following actions each week during the term and at the end of the term the children should be ready for their chance to perform it on stage in Big Church.

I have the children in a line facing the audience.

For the intro I have the children shuffle to the right and throw their hands in the air for the “hey”

Then shuffle back to the left for the “Ho” (they should now be back to centre stage) - almost!

The line Nothings too big big big for His power - Actions = with palms facing each other with a gap in the middle you extend your hands away from each other on big, big, big, with your hands/arms moving to a muscle man pose for the “His power” (to show strength).

The line Nothings too little little little for His care - Actions = with palm facing each other with a big gap between you move your hands together representing the gap getting smaller, with your arms wrapping around your body for the “His care” (to show love).

You will repeat these actions 4 times !

Then the line - He is God of the Big - actions arms wide apart (trying not to whack your neighbour)

He is God of the Little - actions put your two fore fingers together to show a small gap or crouch down to be small.

God of the stuff somewhere in middle - actions point each forefinger of each hand to your waist, ie. your middle.

The King of moving mountains - actions make a triangle with your hands above your head in the shape of a mountain and move to the side.

He will Love you more than you will ever know - actions wrap your arms around your body and then for more then you will ever know make the sign of a question with both hands out wide either side of your body with palms up.

Then you will repeat the actions for God of the Big / Little for 4 times

Then for a repeat of 4 times you will have:

He is God of the big, God of the small, Nothings too much, He cares for us all.

Actions, big wide arms, crouch down small, wag finger for nothings too much and wrap arms around body for caring for all.

One more set of the first lines - God of the Big, God of the Little, God of the stuff somewhere in the middle, the King of moving mountains, He Loves you more than you could ever know (repeat actions from above).

Then it is the finale a shuffle to the left for Hey and back to the right for Ho, then repeat with hands in the air waving. What utter fun, good luck!

Another favourite for the end of term is the song and actions by the great Saddleback Church called MOTIONS The Lord’s Prayer, here is a little clip of some gorgeous children I have taught performing it at home (great homework practice).

Recently we have retaught the Lord’s Prayer to churches that we partner with using brilliant hand signals. It is a superb way to get the children to remember every line of the prayer. Age groups from 3 right up to 12 seem to love these hand and arm movements, if you would like to re-teach these to your Sunday School, just contact us via the website.