Creating a Memory for Christmas
With the first four weeks of Christmas done in November (see the Christmas Story in Talks and Teachings), you now have the rest of December to put together both your production (big word) on stage and the rest of your lovely Christmas teaching and Christmas themed crafts.
I return to the The Beginners Bible illustrated by Kelly Pully as they have a lovely story for each part of the Christmas Story. However when we hit week four, the book introduces (rightly so) Herod’s plot against Jesus, I tend to skip this and just put the full focus on Jesus’ birth with this age group.
Week One
An Angel Visits Mary
God sent the angel Gabriel to visit a young woman. Her name was Mary. She was scared. She had never seen an angel before.
Gabriel said, “Don’t be afraid. You are very special to God. you will become pregnant and give birth to a son. You must name him Jesus. He will be called the Son of the Most High God.
Mary asked, “How can it be so?” I am not married. Gabriel answered, “With God all things are possible.”
Mary said, “I love God. I will do what he has chosen me to do.”
There is lots there for children to both be excited about, but also be confused about, I tend to concentrate on Angel Gabriel and what he has to say, how he tells Mary to not be afraid. You may get questions about Mary not being married, it depends on the age of your group. I focus on “all things are possible with God” and how God wanted to send a person just like us down to Earth so that we could learn from Him. Jesus is a very special baby is always the theme.
The craft for this week is angels, angels, angels, you can find many crafts on line with regard to this. See our crafts section for those that I have chosen.
Week Two
Baby Jesus is Born
Mary loved Jospeph. Mary and Joseph were going to be married soon. Joseph lived in Nazareth, but his family lived in Bethlehem. A new leader named Caesar ordered everyone to go back to their home town. He wanted to count all the people in his kingdom. So Mary and Joseph went to Bethlehem.
Mary was going to have her baby soon. When they arrived in Bethlehem, they looked for a safe place to sleep, but all the Inns were full. Finally, a man was able to help them. He said, “I do not have any rooms left, but you are welcome to sleep in the stable.” Joseph made a warm place for Mary to rest. While they were there, little baby Jesus was born.
Mary wrapped Jesus in strips of cloth and gently laid him in a manger.
I reiterate with the children that Caesar was the King of the Land at that time, and that he ordered everyone back to their place of birth to be counted. You will use this as one of your questions on stage to ask the children about the Christmas Story. Also focus on the donkey, as I joke with the children on stage about how Mary and Joseph had a new car and they drove it to Bethlehem, where the children will correct you.
No room at the Inn, brings you nicely into our song, knock, knock, knock on the door with the actions (easy to imagine and make up) and I would start practising these from this week. (See songs/music and little people in Big Church). If you have time for a craft as well as song practise, its a busy time christmas teaching, then see our crafts section I like to do a “door craft”.
Week Three
Shepherds Visit
On the night Jesus was born, shepherds were watching their sheep. Suddenly, an angel stood before them, and God’s light shone all around. The angel said, “Do not be afraid. I bring joyful news to all people. Today, in the town of Bethlehem, a Saviour has been born! He is lying in a manger.”
Then a choir of angels appeared. They sang, Glory to God in the highest! Peace and goodwill to everyone on earth! The shepherds rushed to Bethlehem. There they found baby Jesus. They told Mary and Joseph what the angel had said. As they returned to their sheeep, the shepherds told everyone what they had seen and heard. All along the way, the shepherds shouted praises to God.
So, this week is all about the shepherds and the little sheep, make time to practise the songs that you have chosen, “It’s a baby is a good one for this week” - a classic in my book! The craft will be shepherds and sheep with lots of glue and lovely cotton balls.
Week Four
The Bright Star and Three Visitors
When Jesus was born, God put a special star in the sky. Some Wise Men who lived far away saw this star. They knew it was a sign from God that a new king had been born.
The wise men followed the star. (I skip a pages here as it leads into another story regarding Herod that I don’t want to confuse the children with at Christmas time).
The star led the Wise Men to Behlehem where they found little Jesus. They worshipped him and gave him gifts fit for a king: gold and sweeet smelling spices.
I talk to the children about the camels in the illustrations in the book, and veer away (skipping the pages) regarding Herod. I also talk about the star and how clever it was that they followed it for miles and miles.
This week is craft relating to Kings - you can choose the tree decorations and lots of glitter to boot! Also introducing them to the Kings song from “Out of the Ark” music and songs is good for this week.
This is a busy time, it is learning, and repeating the story you taught them in November, it is special sparkly type craft and it is learning songs and explaining to the children what is happening on stage and building them up for that event.
I always take time to meet with the volunteers and helpers often during this period so that they know the songs and know what is going to happen for your stage performance , herding children, is much like herding kittens so keeping it simple, fun and enjoyable for the children is key.