The Holy Spirit/Baptism

Here is an example of one of the “End of Term Children on Stage” performances to let big church know all about what the children have been learning in Sunday School. The following was after a term of all three classes in a church that we partner with learning about Baptism and John the Baptist.

The Older children had some lovely readings and their own words on what they thought about baptism and what it would mean for them. Afterwards the older class helped us “pretend” baptise the two younger classes in the “River Jordan” (of course). There is a dressed up John the Baptist, and quite a few of the children wanted to play “Jesus” so we had multiple “Jesus’” being baptised. Each time a child was “pretend baptised” (by lying under the River Jordan and popping up again” they had pretend water on their heads and also the dove came floating down. Take a look at the joy on their faces. A morning they will all remember.

If you would like any of our curriculum on the Holy Spirit Teaching and John the Baptist and Baptism, just contact us through the website we have lessons ready for all age groups.

cheryl jervis