Easter Teaching - The Holy week
Easter usually falls in the first term’s teaching with most curriculums. You can either dedicate the entire term to the subject (It’s important enough to) or you can give 3-4 lessons to relay the story.
What is the teaching that we really want to encourage the children to learn?
Jesus walked on the earth and was one of us
Jesus knew what God’s plan was
Jesus gave very important messages to His disciples before He left them
The people turned against Jesus
Jesus died on the cross
How Jesus dying on the cross was the one time sacrifice for our sin past, present and future
Jesus was buried
Jesus rose again and spent time with His friends before ascending to Heaven
Jesus sits at the right hand side of God advocating for us today
Age Appropriate
Easter should always be pitched correctly, for little ones it is about the rising up again after dying. It is about God’s amazing love for us.
For older ones, there are so many areas you can cover, you can teach them about Sin, the Holy Spirit, Jesus’ teachings on how we should behave to each other. I have even taught about how Jesus broke the law which lead to his arrest.
Find a new story
Much like Christmas, there are some great ways to bring the Bible alive for older children through Easter. Communion teaching and knowing what it means rather than a little snack that happens in church is always a timely teaching for Easter.
Stay away from the Pagan part
Much like Christmas teaching, threetosix.com.au will never bring the world into their teaching. So sorry, no bunny crafts, no eggs, no pagan celebration of “fertility” remember - “worship No other Gods” - researching the Easter story in the Bible and with commentaries will really help you understand how we should be teaching this time of the year. I even stop using the word “Easter” when I can and return to what it should be known as - “the Holy Week”. We say “Christmas” - we mean “the birth of Christ”.
For more lessons and craft ideas on teaching about the very important Holy Week of the Bible to children, please do contact us before your term one starts!
Now, before you say “Bunny Ears” - these are actually cabbage ears - nothing to do with bunnies :)